Coral ID

Hey everyone. Would you please give me an identification on this coral? I bought it as a green tree coral, but as you can see, its not green, so I'm wondering, what exactly is this coral.
Whatever it is, its a beauty!



Active Member
it is IMO a green finger leather or spagghetti leather, it doesnt look very green but with intense lighting will gain a gentle green hue, unfortunatly there are tons of "green trees" almost always mis ID'ed in pet stores because that what they ordered and they assume the seller know exactly what they are selling. there are also tons of different color morphs and they may lose or gain color dependant on lighting and other water conditions.
here is What I reccomend for it
moderate to high lighting though it will tolerate moderate/low I wouldnt put it in extremly low lighting, moderate to moderate/high flow. I'm fairly confident on the ID but not 100% I hope this helps.
if I may ask what type and wattage lighting do you have?