Coral ID

Hey everyone. Would you please give me an identification on this coral? I bought it as a green tree coral, but as you can see, its not green, so I'm wondering, what exactly is this coral.
Whatever it is, its a beauty! About 5" tall, 3" wide when fully spread out.



Active Member
Looks to be a tree coral, possibly Paralemnalia sp.. Color is usually brown or tan. Needs medium to strong flow and medium to high lighting. It is photosynthetic, so feeding is not neccessary. It could also be, but I don't think it is, a Spaghetti finger leather-Sinularia flexibis, basically same requirements for both.



Active Member
I posted on your other thread.......
but I agree with trip kid Spaghetti finger leather-Sinularia flexibis
when a coral stretches out to the max it can be indicitave of not enough light so its spreading out to maximize photosyntesis. but it could also just be happy.