these things (whitish discs on stalks) are growing on a ble clove polyp frag we got. at first i thought they were clove polyps that hadnt opened but the polyps dont seem to grow that way. any ideas?
when we first got the frag there were only 4 and they were quite small. those 4 have grown quite a bit and you see little ones coming up underneath. ill probably break a little piece of the rock off with them on it and grow them out somewhere else.
yeah some kinda candy cane or trumpet coral is what i was thinking too. i took them out of the tank to clip off the piece of rock they were on and they seemed to shrink back into the rock, stalk and all. that threw me off the caulastrea guess cus i didnt think a candy cane could retract in whole but then again i have no idea what a really tiny one does.
i can try. i am doubtful on the mushroom guess as the stalk (which you cant see) is quite thin whereas mushroom stalks are rather think and foot-like. or at least the ones i know. it does look like a clump of some type of shroom though.
LPS like Caulastrea curvata should have some type of hard skeleton that they are attached to. Small mushrooms would have a small stalk. a closer picture would help maybe.
yes you are right. see the creases on the head of the polyp? they let it fold up when it retracts, pretty weird. it totally disappears into the rock by night so itll be tomorrow before i get more pics.
Does it have a skeleton? I count 12 segments on each of the polyps, and given your description that the corals totally retract into the rock, it makes me think of an Alveopora sp.