coral info before I buy


Active Member
I'm getting ready to place an order for some new corals, so I thought I should get your experiences/opinions on some of the things I am considering.
- Fox Coral
- Green Open Brain Coral
- Hammer Coral
- Torch Coral
- Trumpet Coral
- Pearl Coral
- Pink Plate Coral
I won't be ordering all of these, probably 2 or 3. I'm leaning towards the open brain and hammer because I've kept them before so I have an idea about their requirements. I like the fox, trumpet and plate corals, but I don't know much about them.


I have trumpets. Two different bunches of same kind of trumpet. They are the most colorfull corals in my tank. I like them second to my colt and my devils hand colt.
Is there such a thing as a devils hand colt anyways????


Active Member
Thats the biggest problem with common names,people call different corals different thinks so theres really no wrong name and sometimes two names get clumped together, IME a devils hand usually refers to a Lobophyton sp, and a colt refers to a Alcyonium sp, or Claudiella sp.
jacksonpt, most of the corals you mentioned are realtively hardy, they require medium light, some can tolerate more intense light like the hammer and torch corals, Euphyllia sp., and some cannot like the open brain, Trachyphyllia sp. The pink plate coral is questionable, it depends what kind of plate you are refering to, Fungia sp. are quite hardy and can tolerate a lot of diffrent lighting, Heliofugia sp. are not so tolerant and can be quite tricky to keep, which is often the result of poor handling and shipping. With your set up and proper placement I dont think youll have probelms with most of your choices. By the way nice site, killer pics ;) HTH


Active Member
If I were to chose 3 from the list above I would gor with the hammer, open brain, torch. in that order.
All 3 are very nice fairly hardy corals. IMO the torch probably being the most demanding. Also the torch will command a decent amount of space.


Active Member
Originally posted by twoods71:
<strong>If I were to chose 3 from the list above I would go with the hammer, open brain, torch. in that order.
All 3 are very nice fairly hardy corals. IMO the torch probably being the most demanding. Also the torch will command a decent amount of space.</strong><hr></blockquote>


Active Member
Thanks for the info everyone. I think my first purchase will be a hammer coral and a pearl coral. I want to find out was species of open brain it it before I buy, and what colors are available.