Coral + Lighting


New Member
Hey, im just looking to find out what are some really nice beginner corals for a 2ft tank, i dont know what fish i want yet, but more than likely one or two anthia's and maybe a clown... What corals are easy to maintain, grow well and look nice (bright/colourful) - I Also need some advice on lighting, and what strength lighting i should buy...
Also what do you guys recommend for cleaning crew?
NOTE: im from australia so im not sure i can get my hands on everything you recommend... Prices would help too if you can give me some rough estimates...


New Member
NOTE: Anemones are also welcome for suggestions - ANYTHING really, that is living apart from fish :)


Zoas and mushrooms are my opinion as a good color and hardy corals for beginners.
For lighting you can just go with PC (Power Compact), T5, or MH (Metal Halide). I would say that T5's would be the best for your tank since its probably like a 20 gallon long or something like that. Please do a lot of research before jumping in. I know that there are a bunch of good informative links you can read in the New Hobbiest Boards.


New Member
mushrooms are good starter corals and do good under almost any lighting. i am also from australia and mushrooms are redily available from most aquariums


yeah im from australia too, wat a small world aye, it feels like i noe use all already and you all go to my school or sumthing, yeah mushrooms are pretty easy to get, pretty cheap to, torch corals are also good beginner corals, pretty cheap and easy to care for.


i have a frog spawn, pulsing pom pom xenia, two types of star polyps and a bubble coral, small bubble tip anemone, a colt coral and a toadstool leather so far in a 45g with 2 95watt VHO....i was told by one of the LFS here that you should have about 4 watts/ gallon....i dont know what that converts to in metric....i know i dont have enough for some corals i would like but i have been told my lights are good for what i have