Coral Loss...


Active Member
I just lost (or will any day now) lose my favorite coral. Its over 4 years old, has been through hell and back. Its my Hammer coral. It was the first one I bought when I went with corals.
So bummed. My nano was doing so well considering my down size from a 40 to a 14.
Its retracted from a softball size to now below the skeleton. I know its from water quality, as i have been battling cyano since the summer.
Im almost inconsolable, and it really hurts.


Active Member
Didn't even know you had a tank. Thought you were put here by the mods to have us talk about all topics except reefing.
Sorry to hear about your hammer though. Maybe some part of if will pull through...


Active Member
not as much as my other corals. the same thing happened to my frogspawn. in like minutes, one day, i just watched it retract below the skeleton and never recover.
inconsolable is the word i am looking for.


Active Member
81.6 constant.
i know its my water quality.
i think michaeltx said somwhere that sometimes you have to take drastic measures in times of desperation.
what i think i am going to do is just ride it out. what doesnt make it, oh well.
i will be moving in 3 weeks to a temp place, then our new house hopefully by jan 1. once we settle into our new house, i am going to dump my rock and my sand. they are both almost 5 years old already. im sure my sand has nothing left in it.
new rock, new sand. new start on my tank. my zoos/palys/shrooms will make it for sure.