Coral noob question


Im thinking about getting some soft corals for my tank and was wondering if my lighting would be sufficient. I currently have two 34" HO T5 power-glo's that came with my 70 GAL setup. Would this be enough for some zoas, gsp, or shrooms?

bang guy

Discosoma Mushrooms can work in that lighting. Others can work if you have them up high under the lights. I wouldn't try GSP but there may be some Zoas that can work but they may not color as well as you would like.

bang guy

I've had Orange Ricordea yuma do OK under similar or even less lighting. That was a dozen or so years ago. I just remembered that.


Thanks again! I have had FOWLR for the past 4 years but seeing all of these amazing reef tanks is giving me the itch!


Well-Known Member
yep some mushrooms will grow anywhere lol... maybe try some other "soft" corals like leathers or palys/zoos.
Wat about daisys/cloves bang guy?


Im looking into the Nova Extreme 4x54 T5HO. My question is would this be enough light to keep corals in my sand bed ? My tank is 24" tall . Any opinions?


Well-Known Member
yes....u may be able to do most lps imo at mid-top level rockwork too... i dont know about the nova bulbs but make sure to get some nice bulbs and the colors u want too.


Well-Known Member
i dont mean the color, i mean the brand...they make t5 bulbs of better quality that make more light and better color. Not needed but a deff upgrade imo.


Ok cool ! I think im going to go with the 6 bulb nova extreme pro . After doin some research I think that will work out a little better. Definate bulb upgrade as well once I get the unit. The 6 has the individual reflectors.