coral ok with this lighting in my new Nano?


my nano is on its way and has 24W lighting, Type T5 FL...... is this going to be enough lighting to hold corals such as xenia, candy cane, colt's? im new to nano's


Active Member
The stock lighting in a nano is ok to sustain most corals, just don't go to any SPS. And if you see them "craning" toward the light that means move them up higher or you just don't have the watt/per gallon needed


no SPS. Xenia, blastos, acans, carnation, all types of leathers, sun corals, cup corals, mushrooms, ricordeas, and zoos are the best for nano tanks. I am sure you can find other corals i didn't list as well. No brain corals and no clams. Any coral with low-moderate light is acceptable.