Originally Posted by
Shrimpy Brains
Ok, bought this a couple of years ago. It was very small and sold to me as a ricordea. I've suspected for sometime that it is not, Someone just told me that rics are not sticky to the touch, and this is!! Soooo...... I feel pretty dumb right now. lol Is it a mega mini carpet anemone??? It's about 3 inches across. hard to tell exact size cuz it always keeps this umbrella like shape. I do feed it brine and mysis. When it eats, it just inverts bringing its sides up.
well to be technical about it, it is a anemone, mushrooms and rics are classified as a anemone. as far as what this is in the picture i am sure someone can ID it for you. if i had to guess i would say its some type of mushroom but im sure some one out here knows for sure what it is!!