coral question in a 29 gallon biocube

i currently have a 29 gallon biocube with 20 lbs live sand and 45 lbs live rock.i just set it up so its cycling now but im trying to figure out what corals to stock .i only plan on using the lighting that came with so its a pc 72 watts total.i was just going to put shrooms ,zooos ,leather...can some one tell me what else i can keep under 72 watts of pc ?I only have stock return pump i think its almost 300 gph and im getting a powerhead with 400 gph so ill be around 700 is that enough flow for what i listed ? thank you for reading and responding


Active Member
the corals u listed sound about right. u can also try lps such as frogspawn or torch down the road. the extra 400 gph powerhead sounds good for more flow.