Coral Question


New Member
I'm heading out to the store to buy my first coral on Friday. I'm thinking about getting some button or star polyps. My question is do they sell you the coral attached to the rock or do they take it off the rock before they give it to you? If they give you the rock, how do I go about removing the coral from the rock? Am I going to need to superglue the polyps to my rock, or do I attach them some other way? Thanks for your help.


Your polyps will come a rock.(My polyps came on a peice of Fugi live rock.) Thers no need to take them off the rock. You may harm or even kill them, if you try to remove them.

salt one

so do star polyps spread? and if they do, will they take over my rock? or can i put them on the substrate an will they grow down there?


Star Polyps and Button Polyps will come on rocks. Star Polyps spread fast relative to other corals ie: mushrooms, and buttons. It will still take a few months of the Star Polyps having direct contact with another rock for them to spead to it. Even then it will be a small amount that will have to take a few more months to cover most of that rock ( depending on the size of the rock). You can take a some of the purple or brown matt the star polyps live in and glue it to another rock also. I would not put them in a sand or crushed coral substrate. I was thinking of taking out my substate to start a bigger tank and using star polyps as grass for the reef I have now. I have seen a reef with one side of the tank coverd with star polyps ( on the glass) it looked pretty cool too.