coral questions


ok i have a 29 biocube and i bought a pompom coral from LFS. the guy had to scrape it off the glass so i asked how to place it in my tank. he said wedge it between 2 rocks and it will attach on its own. ok, so i gently placed it between 2 rocks, it keeps wiggling out and i let it go for a while then it flips is it gonna attach if it is flipped over...
it is doing it's pom pom thing so i know it is still alive and i don't want to kill it... how do i attach it :help: :help:
ok for my next birthday i was thinking about getting an 24 gallon aquacube with 150 wat halids wat is the diffence between an biocube and an aquacube?? thanks by the way its 379 and im buying off this site


small frag...i was hoping you would respond demartini...this is the first one i have ever bought NOT attached to rock.
a guy on the reef threads said to wrap the frag, and the rock with bridal mesh ( i used an old green fish net that i cut up) and rubber band it to the rock...i did that about 12 hours ago and all seems well. they are openign and closing under the tent and the base is on the how long do i leave it like that?