Coral questions


I was going to order some corals but wanted to make sure they were okay for my tank first. It is a 12 gallon nano (it really only has 5 gallons of water) with about 30 watts of T-5 lights a fire fish a lawn mower blenny and a few crabs. I wanted to get a pipefish once I have much more experience and wanted to make sure it would be okay with the species I wanted to keep so here it goes. Two acropora frags one monitipora frag some star polyps maby some zoos and mushrooms . I do not know the species name of the monitipora or acropora.


Active Member
in a nano tank acropora corals might not fair so well... they need very stable and presitine water conditions they freak out very easily with any sudden changes to the water and since u have a small tank the water conditons change much faster than a larger tank like mine....
i mean u can try it and see how it does but u will need to check your alk and calcium regularly to make sure its where it should be....
id stick to some montis like u mentioned if u wanna go that route might be easier for yah


in my 10 gal nano, i have purple and red shrooms, several types of zoos, colt, and xenia. they are all doing well. i am running about 9 watts per gallon, which is plenty for all of them. i agree with murph on the acro. watch your fish load if adding a pipe fish. that can cause a lot of sudden changes in parameters.