Coral starter packs, any suggestions?


New Member
I've Got a ten gallon tank with a ten gallon sump/fuge, 96 watt quad 50/50 light with a diy skimmer in sump. 25 lbs of LR and 10 lbs of LS anyone have any good suggestions on beginner corals? I was thinking of shrooms and zoo's, maybe a colt or kenya tree. One LFS in my area has Monitpora frags for ten bucks, there are about 2.5 inchs long and look allright, they told me I could keep just about any coral I wanted in my tank with my light, even elegance and Brains, is this true? I'm kind of new to the hobby and I feel i've come a long way in 6 months, the tank started off as super over stocked with barely any LR and a junky light. Thanks, I'm also trying to find people that would be willing to help me out with a starter package of corals, if you have some frags send me an email and maybe we can work something out.