Coral suggestions??


Active Member
:notsure: hello, just wondering what you all think would be a nice coral to put in my 10g tank....i am wanting to get one that has bubbles or does sometype of swaying....but not sure what would be the best for that size of tank...any suggestions?? thanks.
Luke P.


Well I'm not an expert, but what I can say is it really depends on your lighting and set up. Do you have (or are you trying to have a nano reef?) OK thats kind of a silly questian because if you want coral then you are trying to have a nano reeef, but what do you have in the tanks right now? And what lights?


Active Member
Alrighty, this is what i have so far inside the tank...two damselfish, some turbo snails, small hermit rock, and the lighting is....Coralife, trichromatic, and i also have a coralife actinic light that isnt being used right now. Would xenia be a nice item to have in the aquarium, or would it be a little overbearing??? i dont know, i just want to spruce up the tank a little bit more, but i dont want to spend $50 on one either, lol, any help is appreciated in advance.
i'd show a pic of the tank, but not actually sure how that is done through this...but thats the basic of the tank right now. let me know, thanks.
Luke P


Active Member
what part of indiana are you in cause if your up by fort wayne id give you a pulsing xenia
i am weeding my down a little and hate to just throw them away and they dont ship well


Active Member
the lights are 15 watt 360output flourescent-- the tri says 100% super daylight, 6,500K full spectrum lamp w/rare trichromatic phosphurs...the other says 100% true actinic 03 blue, peaks at 420 nanometers.
actually, SWEETDAWN....i live in central indiana, but my parents live up north near goshen...about an hour away from ft you think id be able to get it off your hands sometime??? are you pressing to get rid of them?? or could it be in a couple weeks???? that would be awesome, let me know, thanks.
Luke P.


Active Member
im not that far from goshen near warsaw most people dont know where that is not in a big hurry gave some away to a couple of lfs


Active Member
Sorry but I dont think you can keep mutch but Polyps and mushrooms zoos would be pushing it they need medium light.


Active Member
yea, i just figured that out looking around
, so what would you suggest i need to be able to keep something like a xenia??? i was told at least 110W..what do you think???
SWEETDAWN, i would love to get some if you would allow me to, i go right through warsaw when i visit up north.....once i get this stupid light thing corrected from what the fish store told me, i would love to get it. :joy:
Luke P.


I don't have very great lights on one of my tanks and the first thing I tried was mushrooms, then zoos. After having them do good I added Xenias (which have been doing o.k). But in my opinion you might try an easier coral before adding xenias. I don't know about there, but here your can get a rock with four or five mushrooms (depending on the kind) for about $20, so that might be a good option. :yes:


Active Member
I would reccomend 2 or 3 by 55 powercompacts. You will have to DIY this as a retro fit. With that you can keep any medium light coral you want.


Active Member
i have two satalite lights on my 30 gallon tank were eighty-nine dollars each at lfs. The xenias grow like weeds started with one i paid forty dollars for and now they are everywhere almost every rock in the tank has some on them.


Active Member
not sure quite yet, i've been looking around so far to see what is nice, but i'm gonna look abit more....been looking at 65W singles, doubles, 40doubles....but havent ordered anything quite yet...prolly a couple days. why do you ask?
Luke P. :yes:


Active Member
if you give me your e mail i will mail you my e mail address i dont want to print mine cause my name is in it then you can tell me when you are passing through warsaw and i will bring it to work and you can get it there. also when you are in warsaw stop in the pet store that opened by elder bermans they put the most mixed up prices on there salt water fish they only charge 5.99 for cleaner shrimp. but they charge 8.99 for a blue damselfish.


Active Member
My name is John no one cares about the name lol. Heck I have posted were I live. Its ok to post it.


Active Member
lol, where is that fish store??? SWEETDAWN--my email is if it doesnt work, send to, or both to make sure. thanks a lot.
youre agreeing a bit late f1shman,lol,but thanks
so now the next question with that, is how should i set up the light, should i place it right on the aquarium(if its one 65W, or its two 40W and above)...should i get those brackets that make it sit up hgher, or would it be smartest to just hang it however many inches above the tank?? the only other thing is that if i get a 24", that will be longer than the aquarium, so would that make the brackets worthless?? thanks again