Coral suggestions


I have about 3.4 watts per gallon and want suggestions for corals I can keep under that amount of pc lighting. I have a finger leather and a stubby finger leather which are both growing well and a kenyi tree that has more then tripled in size. I also have various shrooms and stars, some yellow polyps and some zoos. I want to try something a little larger and more colorful.


How big/deep is the tank?
I'm at about 4.6 watts/gallon. (140 watts over a 30 gallon tank 16" high)
I have a frogspawn that is growing nicely but I am waiting for 2 more endcaps to come in so I can increase my light by 75 watts.
A frogspawn or torch may work, I'd put it close to the top though. You should upgrade your lighting if possible.