coral suggestions


New Member
I just got 150 watt,20,000 mh for my 24 aquapod.It was time to replace bulb.I thought i would go with higher from 14,000 mh.My tank is 18 months old.Any suggestions on corals i could keep.I have 2 clowns,bta,pistol shrimp and pistol shrimp goby,2 cleaner shrimp,2 peppermint shrimp,1 fire shrimp,3 hermits,3 snails.I got 45 lbs LR and 25 lbs LS.


what kind of corals are you thinking, asking the generic what corals is like asking what kind of car should I buy. You could keep nearly anything with that light on that tank


Active Member
if i had the money i would do diffrent kinds of leather. they are very easy to take care of and look great! also maybe frogspawn.
thats my favorite and ive herd that they are very hard to take care of but ive never done anything special to mine to keep it health. bubble corals are nice too.


Active Member
With a 150 watt MH on a 24 gallon Aquapod you can keep anything, providing your water parameters are pristine.


New Member
Thanks all.I exchanged 20,000 radium for 14,000 phoenix.I did not like color of radium.Get it in tomorrow.