coral to sand


I am thinking about changing out my coral bed to a live sand one. The coral is pretty but its starting to get black stuff on it and lots of hair algae that I cannot get rid of. So my question is, is it easy to do this? What should I do? Wrassecalwhat do you think?


Active Member
hi there,
this is a good choice to change the sandbed. The best thing is to use search option and you will find tons of info on replace options and whatever you need.
Good luck!!!
I am also switching from C/C to live sand. Going with a 4-5 DSB but i dont know how to measure how much live sand im going to need. anybody know the formula?


Active Member
I think you should cook a nice dinner, provide a lot of imported beer and we'll be over to supervise, oh I mean help you do it:D In return I will order pizza and provide Oklahoma's best 3.2 Bud and you can come help us move our 2 tanks into the new 125 gal.:p


sure sounds good to me. ill provide the beans, fried taters and cornbread, AFTER the switcheroo so you wont poop out on me....... And i will come over and help you guys since you are the most wonderful people in the world the world.. only I cant afford the sand right now....SURE WISH I COULD........:D


Active Member

Originally posted by shortstop
since you are the most wonderful people in the world the world.

nice save;)