Coral vital.


Thought this product might be familiar to some. Apparently coral vital by Marc Weiss helps prevent ick from adhering to the body of a fish by "stimulation of immune cell response", and "probiotic effect with polar attraction of immune enhancers to skin of aquarium inhabitants" (whatever that means, lol).
Now I realize that this product is looked upon as "snake oil" by some, and that some jokingly refer it as to an apple cider concoction, BUT what I am curious about is the principle of ick not adhering to a fish's body, and wheter or not there are products out there that might help (not in controlling/eliminating ick, but certainly not helping it either).
So, if ick could not adhere to a body surface, would it not simply run it's cycle and eventually starve? This idea might sound too simplistic & optimistic. What do you think?


Yes I know this product does not cure ick, nor was I trying to suggest that it does. I am simply wanting to know your thoughts on the concept of a protozoan not being able to adhere to a fish's body.