Coral without rock


Ok so how do i add coral to the tank without adding the rocks to which they are attached? I am very pleased with my two week aquascape and when i add coral, I DO NOT want to add rocks just on top of what I have spent hours creating...I would like to start with some simple things like zoos and mushrooms that I would think would be easy to add to preexisting rock...suggestions?


Active Member
look at reefkprz's post on fragging. basically you need to cut them off the rock and attach them to your rock.


You can attach them(mushrooms,and most softies)using the "stab them right through the tissue with a cocktail sword"method.Just make sure the sword is securely in the rock


New Member
Super glue works really well too. Just make sure you attach the coral quickly because the glue dries almost instantly when it hits the water. Also, you can buy a breeder box at the fish store. Put some gravel in the bottom and then put in the coral and then float it in your tank. Having them in the breeder box will help them attach to the gravel better because there will be limited flow. Then you can attach them to the rocks with apoxy. Just a few ideas. I've always had trouble with attaching things with toothpicks...the crabs and snails usually knock them off the rocks before they have a chance to attach. Hope this helps.