Coral wont attach - USING STAPLER!!!


Just kidding. But seriously. I am not going though this with another leather coral. I got my fiji yellow yesterday and it is doing the same thing that the Kenya did. If I attach it to something else then place it in this one area, it always sheds a thin layer off its base and falls off. Stuffing it into a crevice in the rock doesnt work. I am wondering about plastic screening? Can I put a piece of plastic screening over the thing for like 2 weeks and super glue the corners of the screen down without hurting the coral????


Active Member
This is just a concern Johnny, so please don't take it personally. You really seem to be moving really quickly in the hobby. I think you may be adding too many corals too early in the game :)


5 in 4 months? That isnt that quick. I just have a 15 dollar limit per month (set it myself and its only for corals). I am just wondering what else I can do, and if the piece of screen will work to get this thing to attach?


Active Member
Wedding veil material (netting)... put coral on rock put veil on top of it with rubberbands (not real tight) it will attach in a week or so... then you take off bands and veil.


I actually opted for a plastic cup method and hope that works. I got some clear plastic cups, cut it a little bigger then coral so there is hole at both ends of the cup, then I used some fish safe epoxy to attach the cup around the coral. Worse case scenario the coral attaches to the cup and the rock.


I did my toadstools 3 ways I glued to a rock with superglue gel, I placed a piece of net over a rock with rubberbands, and I placed a flat piece of rock set the TS on it and took to other smaller rocks and sorts used them to pinch it to hold it to the bottom rock. They all worked. All three heads are fine.


If you use a cup will you get water flow to the coral? Or will the air bubles in the tank fill the cup and push the water out?