coralbanded buterfly


New Member
Hi all.
glad to report cycle has completed about 6 weeks ago and I have a clown, to coral banded shrimps(not fighting with each other) a cleaner shrimp, to blue chromis, 3 hermit crabs and a coral banded butterfly fish. Al is alive and well. Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10ppm. Every thing is great. To great actually I cant believe things are going so well. I expected a lot more trouble. The only thing I am worried about is if my butterfly fish is eating enough and if I am feeding him correct. I really batlle to find live brine shrimp etc so I have been giving him som frozen food. he is eating but I just want to know if there are other things that I can feed him.
Any sugestions would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I don't know if this is a big help, I've never kept Butterfly fish so I looked them up in a couple of books I have. Anyway, they say that they are finicky eaters and should be offered a wide variety of foods including live brine, various worms and crustaceans either live or frozen. Other meaty foods like squid and minced clams should be offered as well. One book said to offer algae as well.