Coralife 96 watt 20 inch is incredible


Hello just wanted to say to anyone looking for lights for there nano...the coralife 96 watt quad tube is incredible. i had 260 watts over my 55 and i though my torch was doing good in there...same as my shroom.. but boy was i wrong i now realize why lighting is so important. I got the lights for 100 dollars instead of waiting to get halides that cost alot more...(even though there still worth the money i bet) i'll post pics soon i just can't belive the difference in health 2 days with new lights are in a nano i setup 5 days ago


well i also agree its a great light.i bought a clam(not saying to do this) for 15$ as an experiment to see how it does under the light and its doing amazing.dont worry i would have brought it back if it wasnt doing well.but now on my 30 gallon im going to have 250 watt halide so he should do even better(oh yea he also still kept his color never faded.)


i'm tempted to get a small clam myself but still a little skeptical about it. I don't really know anything about in if i even have to feed them and all that basic info