Coralife Aqualight Pro or Outer Orbit?


Hi all,
I'm thinking about upgrading my lighting from PC to MH. I'm trying to decide between a Coralife Aqualight Pro and an Outer Orbit HQI. I have a 125g tank, so I need the 72" fixture. Both units have 3 MH bulbs and 4 96w dual actinic PC's. The Coralife unit comes with 250w MH, the Outer Orbit with 150w.
Anyone have either one of these? Also, how do I explain to my wife that I spent $1,000 on a light? :hilarious

sign guy

Active Member
both units are good lights but the coralife is avalible in 150 and 250 MH pluss it has fans and led 1w moonlights


Active Member
I have a Coralife fixture myself and am quite satisfied. Never had the other brand, but I don't see why you wouldn't want more light for the money.


Thanks all. And yeah, the 150w vs 250w is close to the same price. I was just wondering if 250 is overkill, and if it would heat up the water too much. I don't have a top on the tank.

al mc

Active Member
Another consideration in the 'one grand' range would be Current's Outer Orbit
3 MH (125W) with T5's. I have one of these and like the MW/T5 combo. There are several threads that debate the T5 vs MH this lighting get both.
Had mine several months...working well for my reef.


Active Member
i use a 48" coralife pro on my 120 reef at work and i love it. I'm debaiting one of the 14k sunpod fixtures for my tank at home