Coralife Metal Halide Fixture


I'm considering getting the Coralife MH FIxture that has two 150 MH and 4 pc or t5's. I can't remember which. How is Coralife? The price is pretty good, it looks like a good value. Does anyone have this fixture? Impressions?


Active Member
I like their retro 250 MH's.....I would opt for the T5 over the PC....Haven't checked their prices lately, but back then a little salty.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jw1977 http:///forum/thread/380604/coralife-metal-halide-fixture#post_3313066
I'm considering getting the Coralife MH FIxture that has two 150 MH and 4 pc or t5's. I can't remember which. How is Coralife? The price is pretty good, it looks like a good value. Does anyone have this fixture? Impressions?

I have the Coralife Elite 2 X 175 MH with 2 x 96W Actinic...It works wonderful and I have had no problems with it, it's a little heavy for me...that doesn't mean much but I put the light on a pulley system so I just lift it to service my 90g tank..
I did have a problem with a Hammilton retrofit with the same specs.