coralife mounting legs


I really need to re-do my 37g reef setup. I had a problem with the skimmer while I was on vacation and now pretty much all of my corals are dead and it's just a mess. Luckily my 2 clowns are still alive but I really just want to put them in a better an environment until I'm able to fix this tank. I have a 20g that I would be able to set up as a home for them but the only problem is my coralife light. It is 24" and the 20g is obviously 30" long. I was wondering if by using the mounting legs on my light if I could adjust them so they'd be wide enough to rest on the rim of the tank rather than on the glass lid (which would be bad). Hopefully that makes sense. Hope I hear back from people soon :)


I just put mounting legs on my coralife, and i think at the very max they would extend a 24" to about 26" or maybe 28" but definitely not 30". But I had my light sitting on the glass top for the first 6 month of my tanks life and it was fine. i know it's not ideal but I never had a problem. Good Luck


Anybody else think it would be safe to just leave it on the glass? I doubt I'd have this tank set up with the 24" light for more than a few months. Maybe until December at the latest, I hope.


Anyone? And also, so that my 20g doesn't go through a cycle, I can just take the water out of my 37g and put it into the 20g, right? But I'm going to buy a new bag of live sand, and I will have a smaller filter on the tank, other than that everything will be from my 37g. What do you think?


Active Member
How long were you gone on vacation? My opinion is that you would have to be gone a very long time for a skimmer failure to actually lead to the death of your corals... unless you have inadequate water flow and the skimmer was a major means of circulation. You might have other issues that killed the corals :/