Coralife PC, and my tank hood...


Hello all,
I have a 30 gallon tall acrylic, and a 65wx2 Coralife PC light fixture. I had the light up on the acrylic legs so it sat 2-3 inches above the tank. Now, my wife wants the wooden hood back on the tank, and in order to do that, I need to set the light directly on top of the tank.
The main issue is that the tank gets a little hotter with the light that close to the tank, and the light can't properly dissipate heat because the hood is almost covering it. I thought about cutting some fans into the tank hood, or something, but I am wondering if anyone has run into this.


I took the lights and reflector out of the fixture and just screwed them in the canopy. If you do this, make sure to mount the ballast outside the canopy.


Active Member
The fixtures do run alittle warm IMO.....You could take the fixture apart and mount, or you could drill holes through the housing and mount the entire fixture inside the hood........JMO


Facing a similar, albeit on a large scale, issue. Have an AGA tank with their basic, slatted-top cover and then bought a CoraLife PC fixture without realizing it wouldn't fit under the cover.
Here's my remedy as I'm working on it now . . .
- I got some 1x2 pine and cut small pieces that I screwed to the cover under the parts that rest on the tank . . . this elevates the cover over the tank to a point that it just barely overhangs the edge of the tank, and allows room for the fixture.

- Wanting to use the fixture legs to raise it above the water, I sanded a grove with a Dremel tool the bottom edge of the sides of the cover to allow it to fit over the part of the legs that overhang the edge of the tank.

- Next step, is to use a hole-saw to cut holes in the side of the cover for the inlets for the fixtures ventilation fans. These will be trimmed with those grommet gizmos made for running computer/power cables through desk tops. I'll also drill holes in the cover slats to allow ventilation for the fan outputs.
All cuts/bare wood will be thickly coated with an exterior latex paint.


Active Member
I remember seeing a mounting bracket for coralife pc's but dont remember what online store it was? Sorry!
Basically replaced the legs with a top mounting bracket, they clamped into that "slide rail" on the fixture.
edit...forgot to mention that clearance might be your biggest problem, i guess depends on the canopy depth?


I'll have to measure depth, but off the top of my head, I know it can't be more that 3.5-4" of room under it.
There are some good suggestions here, and I will examine the canopy for all options before I start cutting holes in it.