Coralife skimmer


Recently i have heard some people saying that they don't run their skimmer all the time. Some run it once a week, once a month, every 3rd day and so on. I have corals and fish in my tank. It is a 55 gal cube tank. I have had it for over a year and have ran the skimmer non stop unless i am feeding my corals. Does anyone have any insight to this? Is it necessary to run the skimmer all the time? I haven't had anything die off or get sick..knock on wood...when i first started my tank about a year ago someone told me to get a damsel to start my tank off...what an idiot i was to listen to that pet store person...i had to dismantle my entire tank to catch that guy to get him out of my tank because he was harrassing my clowns...needless to say i GAVE him back to the pet store...I still consider myself a newby to the hobby as i learn something every day it seems..i love the ocean and this is the closest i can get to it since i live in indiana...


I run my skimmers 24/7. The only time they get turned off is when I'm feeding the corals something such as Oyster Feast.
It's really personal preference. I've found it easier to just leave it on then deal with which says to turn it on and off.