Coralife super skimmer


Active Member
My coralife is wacky. Ive tried switching the knob next to the pump the knob next to the buble thing.. no sucess. There is no water just bubles going into the cup. And the bubles either overflow or dont reach. Ive been working on this since 5 and its rlly agrivating. :mad:


i have the 65, and the way i have it setup is both the water and air all the way opened. Sometimes the bubbles are skimming into the cup, and other times it isnt. but i am collecting nasty stuff, so i figure its working.


Active Member
I have the 65 too.. Its just it either overflows or dosent reach. I just starting the tank today so it shouldnt be collecting anything but it also should be filling the whole cup within 30 min.


Active Member
mine was the same have to set the valve thats in the water to make it level with the bottom of the cone in the collection cup.
Make sure you leave the red knob closed.
It has to break in all the way.
After a day or 2 you will be able to open the valve all the way then control the water level with the red knob.
Mine after 2 days



Active Member
when you have it wanna have the bubbles like 1/4" going up the cone for a dry skim and a 3/4" for a wet skim...I would say setting it more towards a dry skim. mine looks all nuts because of something I put in the water


Active Member
Ok. I have it on no bubles and the pump isnt full blast. Bubbles are still going to the top. Is this bad? Ill just let it sit there for a couple days b4 i screw with it. Ill try to get some pics.


New Member
If this is a new out of the box skimmer you will have to go through the break-in time of 72 hours or you will have problems. I have this same skimmer and it works great. To break-in adjust the gray flow knob to close about 50%. This will keep it from over filling the cup in a short time. Leave the gray knob at this setting for the first 3 to 4 days of operation. Afterwords you can open the valve al the way.
After the break-in peirod you should be able to set it and forget it for a week at a time. I hope this is some help to you and feel free to contact me if you need a little more help.
Regards, George


Active Member
This is the skimmer

This is the tank.

Thanks so much for the help. I will make sure to turn the red knowb fully off and adjust the flow meter inbetween full and off.


Member are lucky your skimmer is blowing bubbles.
My 125 is doing nothing but sitting there with clear water coming in and out.
It's been 2 days. I don't know what on earth is going on with my skimmer.
I am kind of nervous now!!! Would it ever work???