Coraline algae gone and green here,..


In the last few weeks I have seemed to mess sumping up.
I've noticed that the coraling algae has turned from a vibrant purple to light grey color and the green algae is taking over.
It seems to be increased on the side of the tank that has the daylight coming through.
Even though it is 12 feet away and never any direct light. Some of my coral seem to be overtaken by this also.
Will be blocking the aq by putting a cover over that side(work side not viewing)and have increased the Coral Vital dosing and am doing
50 gallon water changes to a 225 tank weekly.
Dosing Kalk continious,..continiuo,...all the time!! Calcium reactor and a sonstant temo of 78.5 area and ph around 7.9-8.2 will be cutting down on the lights as well Meyal HAlide and vhos,..
Any other ideas?


Alot of hobbiests blame algae outbreaks on MH lighting.hows the phosphates if they are high it can prevent coraline growth and kill any corals also the alkalinity should be 2.5 to 5.0 with 3.5 ideal. What is your calcium and magniesium levels calcium should be at 420 mg per liter and mag. should be at 1292mg per liter also how long are you mixing your salt before you add it to your tank salt is very caustic and can burn your anamals I usally mix mine for three days before adding to my tank also weekly water changes may be a little much