coraline algae growth in a new tank


I am starting up a tank soon (30gal long) and was hoping to buy live Fiji rock from an LFS in stages (about 10# at a time). Does it matter what type of lighting I have in order to promote coraline algae growth?
I am hoping to buy a tank, sand and live rock (in stages). Once I get the tank up and going and the rock growing, i hope to buy more intense lighting and then put in fish and invertebrates (this will be about 3-4 mos after starting the tank). Is this sound like a good plan?


Active Member
I understand your thought of adding a little LR at a time. Let me caution you to do that ONLY with very cured LR that your LFS can prove they've had running for 4-6 weeks. Otherwise, everytime you add rock you're going to get an ammonia spike from the die-off.
I tried that option of adding a little at one time and another bunch at another time with less that fully cured live rock.
The result: Lot's of Death:(
Good Luck!


It does not take extremely bright lighting for coraline algae growth. I've had it grow well under 1 40W 10,000K and 1 40W actinic on a 75 gallon tank.
I agree with jumpfrog, if you plan on adding rock in stages, make sure it is fully cured to aviod mini-cycles.
Good luck


Thanks guys.
I have read to add Calcium to the water to promote coraline growth. Does anything else need to be added?


I've noticed since I put in corals and started adding calcium, stronium, iodine, etc on a very regular basis a big jump in the coralline growth. I now have it growing all over the base rock that I have under the LR, and also have small spots of it showing up the glass and tubes, etc.


what about the substrate? Do I have to buy live sand? Wont the sand eventually become alive with time?


Sterling, how often do you add your supplements? What is a regular basis? I add 2 part Kent CB, Stontium, and Iodine once a week and my coralline is there but not growing like crazy. Should I add more than once a week? I have a 40 gallon with about 60lbs of LR and LS.

david s

gliton I would get some b-ionic it is a 2 part system for ph and calcuim it helped my coroline growth and was prety easy to use considering I am not a chemist lol


Diceman, I use Cal-Max, it's a two part additive. I looked on my records and I add it every 5 to 6 days. I do calcium level checks too make sure they don't get too high. I add Iodine once a week, and Kent strontium/molybdenum every 4 days.


Do you still need to add Ca if you have aragonite sand? I thought the sand released Ca into the water.