Coraline Algae or something else????


I currently have a 95 gallon wave tank, fish only at the moment. I have seem to have an algae issue which i need help with. I think the algae I have may be coraline algae, or in doing research it may be Red Slime Algae. Howerver I am not sure which either looks like.
The algae is very slimy and when i scrape it off it comes off in chunks. It isn't hairy at all.
Can anyone assist me with this issue??? What eats it? Whats the best way to clean it?
Also I have some live rock but mostly decorations, what is the best way to clean the decorations to bring the color back to the original color when purchased????? :help:


Active Member
If the algae in question, comes off easily, it is not corraline. It is the dreaded slime algae. Not to worry, everyone gets it at one time or another. This is caused by.....high organic buildup, low water movement, bad lights (need the bulbs changed), or phosphates. How old is the tank, this may be a factor. If new, then water changes, syphoning the slime out will help.


I had what sounds to be the same it a reddish/brown color...kinda' looks like plastic wrap hovering over the bottom or over the rocks? If what you have sounds like what I just described then we may have had the same thing...caused by phosphates (could be caused by tap H2O), poor water movement, new tank, many different factors. But, never fear!!! This is what I did...picked up a little bottle of mustard yellow powder called RED SLIME REMOVER by RED SEA...costs a pretty penny but killed it post haste without upsetting anything else. Now to ensure you don't 'invite' this slime back...DONT USE TAP WATER, you can pick up an RO/DI unit for around $100.00 or less, get it from LFS for a buck or so. Get some powerheads in there, position them/it so it blows 'through' your live rock and it will go around it and stir up the water...
And make sure you keep an eye out for bubble 'outbreak' started after the red slime algae and I didn't know what it was...didn't pick it off of the rocks and now I am STILL waging war on it....if you see shiny green spheres....pick them off (outside of the tank so you don't 'seed' the water)....hope it helps...


Active Member
Other people on this site have suggested against using chemicals to stop the cyanobacteria growth (red slime) unless everything else fails. Turn you lights on for a few hours less each day and increase or concentrate the water flow in the tank as a whole and over the spots most affect. I'm having the same issue right now and increasing water flow and decreasing light hours seems to be working really well. This is one of the phases that hits practically every new tank.