coraline algae to bo or not to be? that is the ?

coral crazy

New Member
I have been trying my hardest to create this form of algae but I am getting minimal results.I have a kalkwasser dosage bottle ,been adding liquid calcium,trace suppliment,strotium, and iodine. I have a 55 gal with aquaclear 400,skilter filter,2 rio 200 power heads for circulation,1protien skimmer,2 55 watt HPC,1 antinic 30 watt,and 1 40 watt power glo. My tank currently holds 4 leather ,1 torch coal,1 clam,1 xzenia,green star polyps,1 bubble coral,1 orange sponge,tons of small feather dusters,1 gonoporia,1red starfish, assorted mushrooms,3 percular clowns,and 1 blue damsel.Does anyone see what i might be over looking to create this great algae and can you forsee any problems with what I have? Thanks for any replies!:)


You need to have the results of your tests posted, I think high alklinity and calcium help with corline, but luck is what you need, I have nice 60 gallon square tank with 2 65 watt actinics and 1 250 hqi 10k pfo pendent and cant' gat much corline algea growth, it takes TIME...


What are your pH, alk, and calcium levels? These are the most important IMO. Heres a shot of my refugium. Lots of coralline.


Active Member
Coralline algae is what encrusts your rocks and sometimes grows on glass- Minireefer- wht you have pictured would be considered Macroalgae


Active Member
The previous poster is correct. Calcium is the key to good coralline growth. It needs to be in the 400-450 range! I use Kent Marine Tech CB (Part A & B) and Kent Marine Strontium & Molybdenum and I started having corraline growth about 3 weeks after I set my tank up. The key that will help your coralline grow is to scrub a healthy area of corraline on you live rock with a tooth brush so that you get a little airborn corralline dust moving around in your tank. This in addition to the calcium level will help the corraline to grow. If you go to the picture page of my website (listed below) you will see some corraline growth in my pictures.


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
Coralline algae is what encrusts your rocks and sometimes grows on glass- Minireefer- wht you have pictured would be considered Macroalgae

look on the walls (in water) looks nice and crusted to me


Active Member
hey coral crazy .... question about your clam ..
you dont have many watts of light, how is your clam doing? what kind is it? where do u have it?
i want to get one of those neat blue clams but only have 125 watt PC's


Thanks slothy, I was gonna point that out. Also, if you look at the little mini-jet 404, its not grey anymore, but three shades of purple.


I also agree with the calcium sentiment. I've had my LR in only a few weeks, have minimal lighting (30W actinic / 30W 10,000k), but I've used the B-Ionic stuff and already have purple coraline starting to grow. My last calcium test was 450ppm......