coraline algae?


im in 6+ week of my tank. all i got is diatom algae. why dont i see coralline algae? is there a way to make it grow?


Mujtba you are one needy individual! LOL I have had the same problem. You need to test for calcium, alkalinity, phosphates, nitrates, the whole shabbang really. Do a search of Kip or Brooklyn Johnny for the best info, but the best I can say is calcium, alk and phospahates need to be in order, you need correct lighting (true actinic) and a good source to start with (LR covered in it and alot of it). I added about 30 pounds of rock that had a pretty good amount on it and I am just now starting to see it on my overflows, powerheads and rocks that didn't have it before. Just 1/2" or so spots but it's finally showing up. I never had a problem with it dying off on the rocks that already had it, it just wouldn't spread. Once i added the rock, my pencil urchins have gone to town eating it. At first I would knock them off the rocks like "Hey I need that" but I soon realized that by them munching it, it was actually spreading it around and it grew back pretty quick. Good luck, it can be very frustrating. It's taken me over a year and a half to get to this point with this tank. I don't know much about your tank, but i bet you are just being overly anxious. It takes time and patience as I am now finding out. 6 weeks is barely enough to complete the cycle. If you do all the right things, it will show up eventually. I just think that some people are luckier than others with this stuff.


ya well im not gettin corals or anythin.. i am just planning ahead and researching...
i just thought coraline should grow by now.. maybe not..
ill wait some more.. sigh..
my nitrites, amonia are at zero. i didnt test anythin else.. :notsure:


Active Member
in many cases it takes over a year to grow, it took me about a year, it won't just "form" it has to have a way it, it must be introduced


Question????? with all the lr you have you do not see any pink or purple patchs on your rock at all??? if so... you have coraline! now the tricky thing is to get it to spread! I'm still having trouble with that!


Active Member

Originally posted by latino277
Question????? with all the lr you have you do not see any pink or purple patchs on your rock at all??? if so... you have coraline! now the tricky thing is to get it to spread! I'm still having trouble with that!

scrape those bits, it will cause the algae to expell spores thus spreading coraline


some of my rocks seem a bit purple.. but it was that color with the start of my cycle.. wouldnt it have died?
i think it may be jus the color of the rock :notsure:


that is it.
coraline is some hardy stuff. like I said. now get it to spead! that is the fun part IMO.
no that is not the color of the rock. Coraline come in many diff. colors and shapes.
1.) Did tank cycle yet--
2.)Test Kits Minimum....,Mg,PO4,Ca and KH/ALK.....Dont go with shoody kits you need good ones like Sailferts or Motts.You learn this the hard way, I'm saving you time and money and the headaches.
*If your trying to get this thing started at best speed(which by the way takes time too). You got to learn to keep Water Prams Correct..........I sugest a daily journal to refer back on to see what is dropping off and adjustments made.......Usaully you bring prams to req. levels then dont do anything to water for exmp. 3 days see whats falling off and adjust accordingly......REMEBER small changes Happy Tank.
***This Hobby is for the most part keeping the Water(keeping it Stable in the right Pramaters) So learn it Well .....Do this now and you will enjoy this as a life time hobby.Fail this and its one long disappointing journey......Read Read Read Then ask.....Most of what you ask for is on every sites Newbie FAQ Threads
3.) Introduction of Coraline Algaes,If you don't see it (some may be small specks) your going to have to import it from another reefer of local fish store.......In most cases rock go green before Purple spots so you will most likely see both colors.
4.)Once you have some started brush it with a clean/new toothh brush or nail brush to lossen spores to free float your tank,keep in mind skimmer removes it some what as well as canister Filters not all butt you may want ot turn thenm off untill it settlte back down in there....
5.) More research on your part

Go find info from reliable sources,to many start off with out the basics and find defeat or major set backs with the advent of internet there really is alot out there............This is not the only sight out there but it s a start my friend......No luck you control the enviorment so Rule it Wislely...
The colors you see here if indeed the pic came through are from 3 different reefers I grabbed rubble that had coraline incruted on them and smashed it with a hammer and sprinkled it on to my exsisting Lr/ and Base rock yrs ago.
ScottbytheSea I sure I missed Some Feel free to help anyone


Active Member
Yeah, I pretty much agree with everyone here. If you've got it, scrub it or scrape it alot. If you don't have the sufficient calcium levels, it won't grow, and will even die off. The only thing I disagree with is the "must have" label on PO4 test kits. It's an inaccurate test and somewhat of a waste of money IMO. Your main concern should be calcium, dkh, magnesium, and ph. (and of course nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia since you're still cycling) When I first started, I got a bunch of snails and hermits from my lfs and their shells were covered in red and purple coraline. I kept levels up and scrubbed their shells with a tootbrush everyonce in a while and it seemed to spread well. Just have patience, nothing happens fast in this hobby. There are alot of great threads on this forum about tank chemistry and maintainig proper levels...just use the search function. Good luck-:)