Coraline Algae


I've had my tank up for a little over 2 months. I started with tap water but have been doing 15% water changes each week with ro water. i bought two pieces of lr, that was covered with coraline algae, but it started dying off. Everyone i talked to said that this stuff would spread, but it hasn't. i thought i had it grow all over the place because i got this purple algae growth on a few of my rocks and on the walls in my tank, but (correct me if i'm wrong) just a cyno algae. I've been treating my tank with 5-7.5 B-Ionic everyday, as the bottle suggest for my 30 gal tank. All my numbers are good, 0ammon, 0trite, <10 trate, ph.~8.3, calcium ~430.
Anyone tell me how to get the coraline to grow???Please????


I am getting good spread without any suppliments. Was very slow when i first started my tank, this is one of those things that come with maturity. You do need good calcium levels however.

who dey

Active Member
how old are your lights and what kind are they, a spectrum change from old age(+6months) can stimulate coraline die-off. I would scrape the coraline with a knife and get the seed into the waterflow and it will spread like crazy assuming your system is healthy