Coraline algae


New Member
A product called PurpleUp is supposed to work well. It is a liquid that you add daily. Do you currently have coraline algea in your setup?


Well I just started up my 55 gallon tank not too long ago. Maybe about 4 weeks. I currently have 1 Niger trigger in there, snails and crabs.
I got 35 lbs of liverock which makes it a total of 50lbs so far and I am planning on getting 25 more lbs soon enough. Within the next two months or so.
But I don't have very much coraline algae growth. I do have some but not much and I would like to speed up the process. So purpleup is a good product to use to promote purple algae growth?


give it time. I started getting corline about 5-6 months after my tank started up... But purple up works wonders.


New Member
Does coraline algae have any positive effects on tanks? I almost bought some PurpleUp this weekend, but no one could tell us what the point of it is. I know it looks pretty and all but I'm hoping it benefits the tank.


Purple Coraline algae is the best kind of algae you want. In my case I am trying to speed up my growth for looks and for the benefits. If purpleup is good, than i am getting it. :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


Just as Drewco said, it doesn't take long for it to take off. We had very little on our rubble in April last year. The lava has only been in there for about 8 months. Now ALL of the lava rock and all other rubble has it all over, but only on the top portion that is exposed to light.
I did not know, however, that crabs LOVE it. They have totally eaten it off one entire large rockface. There are a lot of people who do not like to add chemical stuff. If you have patience, it will be all over in a few months naturally, without any possible harm to your trigger or anything else in there. Good luck, and be patient, it will start to appear one day and just take off.


I understand that, however, there are certain corals, inverts, and fish that may not like it. I was also speaking of maybe a more natural approach to the situation. Sorry, didn't mean to insinuate that it harms things. But I read literature and listen to people who, like many on here, disagree as to chemical inhancement of any type, usefulness. Just expressing an opinion