Coraline Algae



What's the best way to encourage the growth of coraline algae? I have a 90gal reef with approx. 175lbs of lr. Only about 10% has coraline algae on it.
Tank condition:
salt: .022
No ammonia,Nitrate or Nitrite.
PH is 8.4
Calcium is approx 450 ppm
5 firefish, 4 bangai's, 1 flame hawkfish, 1 marine betta and 1 yellow tail damsel. Also 2 sally lightfoots, 2 emerald crabs, 1 sand shifting star, 1 horseshoe crab turbo snails and peppermint shrimp.
Colt coral, cup coral, flowerbasket, open brain, assorted leathers and mushrooms and a torch coral.
BriteLight on 12hrs/day and blue on for 14hrs/day.
Feed live or frozen brine to fish and supplement coral with liquid baby fish food.
All doing well.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


I'm using a Berlin HO skimmer with a rio 1700 pump. No other filtration. Just the skimmer , the lr and alot of water flow.


O.K. I have a question. you guys all recomend Coral-Vital but, when i read the reef newsgroup they say it is junk what gives??????
I am fairly new to reef keeping and just want to know what is a good additive.


I have had a great luck with coral-vite. It only has absolute essential trace elements for good algae. My live rock is looking much better ever since I started using it.
Saltwater reef systems have very complex chemistry. A lot of things have to be in good balance to make it successful. So if someone didn't have good luck with it, doesn't mean its bad. Sometimes adding something can tilt the balance of some other thing resulting in a problem not everyone can understand. You have to be a marine biologist to understand it.
People end up posting things just with a week or two of negative experience but forget how many minds and brains must it have taken to understand and develop a product that helps you get a reef system in your home from the depths of the ocean.