coraline algae


New Member
How do you remove the coraline algae from the front of the tank? It interfers with my viewing pleasure and it does not come off with the algae scraper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kattired34
Doesn't that scratch the glass?

hmmm...IDK, I've never done it I've only seen it recommended on here. :thinking:


when i completly cleaned and restarted my tank i had some bad algea that seemed like it was atatched to my glass and i used a razor blade with no scrathes just go straight down and dont sit in one spot and scrub back and forth.

P.S. aslong as its not a bow then obviously dont go up and down. and not acrylic(sp?)


My own tank (STILL
) isn't set up yet, but my mom has a tank with lots of corraline and she has a plastic scraper (I think it might be an algae scraper) that she uses. She has to put quite a bit of elbow grease into it to get it off, but it does work.
Good luck!
Beth ***)

nm reef

Active Member
I've used razor bleades a lot and never had a problem with scratches.....a old credit card will work too.


I got a small kent marine algea scraper. when I found out it dident work well I replaced the blade with a razer the best scraper Ive used.


Active Member
I use a raxor blade with a holder that is at about a 45 degree angle. I've never scratched glass with it and have even had to use it on an acrylic one (very carefully) and never caused any damage.
Denise M.