Coraline Alge is disappearing...HELP


My coraline alge is slowly disappearing. What's going on? I thought this was supposed to keep growing? All my fish look very happy (Yellow Tang, Lawnmower Blenny, 2 Blue/Yellow Damsels, 10 Scarlet Hermit Crabs & 5 Turbo Snails). All my levels are good (PH= 8.2). So what's happening.
Could this be related to my filters?
1- 402 Power Head hooked to Protien Skimmer.
1- 170 BioWheel.
2- 301 Power Heads, Sponge filters w/ Carbon & Ammo Chips.


Doubt it. Coralline is calcaerous, and iof it should die, won't dissapear. The sleleton shou7ld remain too.


Ok, so let me clarify. The dark red spots (almost burgandy) are slowly turning a pale white. I'm interpereting this as "disappearing".


You sure those burgundy spots are not cyanobacteria? If that is disappearing, take it as a good sign. Your water is getting better!
feel the algae you say is dying, if it feels smoothe, almost slimy, then its cyanobacteria, if it is rough and course, then its coralline.
in any case coralline will go thru stages, and will grow back in time. In the meantime, make sure your ca and dkh are in check.
i have only rarely come across a deep maroon coralline.
scrape at it with your finger and see if any gets under your fingernails. coralline will not.


well, keep in mind that good current (which you appear to have, assuming your tank isn't too large) AND good calcium and alkalinity levels are important to sustained coralline growth. a lot of people forget about the alkalinity, which tends to play a bigger factor in coralline growth than calcium. hope this helps...