coraline alge


i bought some purple up, and i was wondering how long be4 i would see a change in the coraline alge in my tank, like in the amount, i have some on some rocks but others have none


depends coraline algea usually grows on liverock my live rock came with id say 10% coraline algae and ive had my tank now for about 1 year and there is a display of beautiful coraline. Coraline takes time to grow but with the right nutrients it will come out to be beautiful gree,white,red,purple and blue colors! Remeber patience is key and dont over-do it with nutrients.


Active Member
Just keep your calcium level between about 400-450 and it should start to spread. Only add purple up or other calcium supplement if your calcium drops to low.


Test for Calcium with purple up. I was going to add some myself but people on here talked me out of it. Now I'm glad. My coralline is looking great. Good Luck and keep us posted.