Coraline algea


New Member
I have a 55 gal. Just got all my levels tested. The Calcium test took 30 drops before my test tube turned blue. My girl at my LFS told me my cal. levels are good. Told me not to add anymore Kalk. I used to add purple up but noticed that I got alot of RED SLIME every time I used it. Any idea why? How do I get my Coraline algea to grow if I don't need to add anymore calcium to the water.


Calcium levels should be proper around 23 to 25 drops before it turns blue. Your calcium level is probably high if your using the same calcium test that I do with the drops. I heard that if your calcium level is high, then your alklinity levels will be low...if you keep calcium at the recommended level, then your alkalinity will be at the right level as well, otherwise you will have sudden ph drops.


Go online.
Buy salifert Mag Cal and Alk test kit.
Buy b-ionic mag calc and alk buffer
Get it in the mail and test water.
Dose accordingly to dosing ESV calculator is needed dosing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jbadge1
If you think my cal. level is high. How do I reduce it?
Take the water out that the calcium is in. (water changes)