coraline algea


i am wondering how to grow coraline algea in my tank. i have a lot of brown and green hairy algea in my tank. my calcium is 550, is it posibble to grow coraline algea in my tank. my water parameter is ph 8.3, nitirite 0, ammonia 0, nitirate 10, calcium is 550. any product that could help me to speed up te grow of this algea


your calciums fine i wouldn't worry about adding any of that.. you do have live rock in your tank correct? if so it's merely a matter of time before encrusting alga forms .. if you give the tank plenty of lighting.. then your'e bound to get coraline growth.. it just takes time.. just take a deep breath and let it grow..good luck


IME, light does not seem to be much of a factor in coralline growth. The biggest 3 things you need to focus on are: 1. Calcium level 2. Alk. level and 3. water movement. Sounds like you have the first two covered. Make sure you have good water circulation. HTH

nm reef

Active Member
I does not seem to be a major factor in growth of coraline algae. My fish only has coraline on the back and both sides...with only 70 watts of NO lighting!
Maintain calcium/alkalinity/ph...and provide good water circulation.Also helps to have a good initial source...mine was good quality LR. In time it will grow. :cool: