coraline dying.....


my coraline is turning white on live rock.....water is fine.
does this type of algae require good light?


Active Member
Nope does not require special lighting and does better in lower lighting actually. However, it can acclimate to mh lighting. If you've changed your lighting recently in any way it could be the cause. It's bleeching and will or should return. If you haven't changed your bulbs in a while you might consider that as well as your alk, cal, and mag levels.


it loves lots of light. It can be turning white due to poor calcium/alkalinity lvls. What are your parameters? Is the dead coralline on the top of your rocks? If you did a water change and it took too long the coralline exposed to the air may have died.


Originally Posted by earlybird
Nope does not require special lighting and does better in lower lighting actually. However, it can acclimate to mh lighting. If you've changed your lighting recently in any way it could be the cause. It's bleeching and will or should return. If you haven't changed your bulbs in a while you might consider that as well as your alk, cal, and mag levels.
i am pretty sure any algae needs light because algaes are photosynthetic and therefore need light to survive.


Active Member
Right but I've seen some pretty impressive coraline in FOWLR tanks under stock flourescent lighting. Surprising it does not "need" the high intensity or the spectrum produced by top shelf lights.


I do agree.. in sections of my tank the deepest purple coraline is in the shadowed areas of my rock.
but.. the more likely cause of the bleeching is low levels of calcium or iodine.
BUT.. don't just go out and buy liquid calcium and start dumping it in.
Calcium and ALK exist in a delicate balance. Without ALK at proper levels, extra calcium is useless. You can buy 2 stage calcium additives that add calcium followed by buffers to raise the resulting drop in ALK.
Also products like Purple Up or AragaMilk are good because they contain calcium and buffers as well as iodine to speed along coraline growth.
To add some immediate help I would buy one of those 2 products and start daily dosing while keeping an eye on your Alk and add buffer if needed.
Don't raise calcium above 450 or so though.