--Coraline eating crabs--


Active Member
THese guys love flake soaked in water with garlic, but what else is a good substitute for eating coraline? Or snails for that matter!!

We have emeralds, blue and red hermits.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I don't think crabs eat coraline algae. I know urchins do, but not crabs. You can but sheets of seaweed in the grocery store, or just feed your emerald crabs macroalgae like caulerpa. Most lfs's will give you a clump of caulerpa for free, which grows like a weed.


Active Member
Could it be snails? We don't have any urchins. The crabs seem to be picking at the rock. Now we have lots of little white splotches on the live rock. They do need something different to eat. The snail population is dwindling. . .
Thanks for the advice, Mud!


i've got 2 emeralds and once in a while i can see them tear off a peice of coraline but it doesn't eat it. Since i've started feeding them seaweed they've been happier than ever. I tear off a peice and hand it to them, they love it. I do this ever other day.
just my experience.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply Swatskee.
DO you think these crabs are just vandals?

Sea weed seems to be the thing to get.
THanks again!