Coraline Growth


Active Member
A wall clock. Just mount it on the wall..get water spec within spec, then completley ignore the clock and you will be covered in it.
Works great.
Being sarcastic obviously, but trying to accelerate or pump the tank full of misc additives is never a good long term solution.
Coraline is a side effect of everything else being where it should be. Usually not a targeted destination. All comes with time.


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
A wall clock. Just mount it on the wall..get water spec within spec, then completley ignore the clock and you will be covered in it.
Works great.
Being sarcastic obviously, but trying to accelerate or pump the tank full of misc additives is never a good long term solution.
Coraline is a side effect of everything else being where it should be. Usually not a targeted destination. All comes with time.
I have the clock...

I will add no additives
Thanks, didn't know the additives would be bad


Active Member
Originally Posted by bbailey231
I have the clock...

I will add no additives
Thanks, didn't know the additives would be bad

I cannot say b-ionic is THE cause, but since i started using it my coralline has grown immensly. it is even on the egg-crage i have in my refugium. just keep your alkalinity and calcium at normal levels and it should grow nicely. don't add anything you can't test for though :)


Active Member
Not necessarily bad, just not needed.
There are many bottled snake oils. Ask 10 people about them and you will get ten answers.
I am no authority on ANYTHING. I only know from my own experience and granted even that is only through my own eyes, but this much is for sure.......
While some may indeed work, they are ALL unecessary for healthy and abundant coraline growth in a saltwater tank. Takes a few weeks or a month of true stability in the tank. Then it will start growing on everything.
SO please take it as just my opinion that while I am not calling it garbage, I AM calling it unecessary. Save the money you would have spent on a bottle and buy something else that is of true value.


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Not necessarily bad, just not needed.
There are many bottled snake oils. Ask 10 people about them and you will get ten answers.
I am no authority on ANYTHING. I only know from my own experience and granted even that is only through my own eyes, but this much is for sure.......
While some may indeed work, they are ALL unecessary for healthy and abundant coraline growth in a saltwater tank. Takes a few weeks or a month of true stability in the tank. Then it will start growing on everything.
SO please take it as just my opinion that while I am not calling it garbage, I AM calling it unecessary. Save the money you would have spent on a bottle and buy something else that is of true value.
Oh, I will definitely heed your advice. If a chemical is not needed then I don't want it. One less thing to cause me problems !


Active Member
I have to agree there is no action needed to grow coralline. Keep water specs within reef tank parameters, have at least pc lighting or better and wait. obviously there needs to be at least a spec of coralline somewhere but if you bought fresh liverock or a coral on a rock you probably have coraline however little or much it is.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
I have to agree there is no action needed to grow coralline. Keep water specs within reef tank parameters, have at least pc lighting or better and wait. obviously there needs to be at least a spec of coralline somewhere but if you bought fresh liverock or a coral on a rock you probably have coraline however little or much it is.
I have some on some of my lr, but I think my urchins are keeping it from spreading


Active Member
Originally Posted by bbailey231
I have some on some of my lr, but I think my urchins are keeping it from spreading

Yep urchins wil eat coraline.


Active Member
yes, they will, but i have an urchin as well and my coralline is growing out of control. try taking a tooth brush to your existing coralline, while your pumps are off, to promote spore release. that's supposed to help a little.


Active Member
I had an urchin for two days once. After seeing him eat trails through my coarline I took him back.


the easiest way is to start out with live rock that has a decent amount of coralline allready, but you can add calcium like kalkwasser (dripped) and that should do the trick.
i add calc and alk and my coralline went through the roof, so much so it became a nuisance :)
i swear if i leave my hand in there long enough it will become coralline encrusted

b mccoy

New Member
Funny thing about coraline to look out for also is the amount of lighting. My coraline was doing great, couldn't keep it off the front glass AND THEN---I upgraded my lights. I had pc and went to t5. I stayed at the eact same wattage, just a different type of lights. Now all my coraline is bleached. All my corals love it, but not the purple stuff.


Active Member
My started going crazy around 4-5 months. It's favorite places to grow are plastic( power heads, filter intakes, and my glass themometer). just when it starts growing scrape it in the tank and this helps it grow.