Coraline growth?


Ive had my 55g tank set up for about 3 1/2 months now. All is well I suppose, water is stable, my parameters read as follows Calcium 480, Ammonia 0, Nitrate 10, Nitrite 0, PH 8.1. I do religious 10% water changes at least once a week, sometimes twice a week using RO water and Redsea Salt Mix . My tank mates consist of a small Tomato Clown, Bullseye PS, Yellow Watchman. Red Stripe Angel, and 2 Firefish a CUC few snails, and hermits. I have about 70 lbs of LR.
AS far as equipment goes, I have RedSea Berlin X2 Skimmer, Marineland Emperor HOB dual bio wheel with just LR rubble in the bottom of it (sometimes if I need carbon I with put in the pads. 2 Hydor Koralia pumps one 4 and the other is 2 and heater (temp is about 80). Lights, I have 2 Hagen GLO 54X2 T5 lights 2 blues an 2 whites, also a T8 single strip 36 watt Blue light.
Im begining to see a very light green algae form all over the rocks, its not slimey and is not easy to scrape off. There is no hairy or stringy stuff coming off it either. Is this the begining stages of coraline growth? I have a few splotches of different color coraline on the live rock that I had purchased, so a few weeks ago I took a tooth brush and lightly brushed over it hoping to spread it around. I also leave just my blue lights on most of the time during this whole process of attempting to get some coraline growth going. Now every time I turn on all my lights I notice that more and more of the light green algae is spreading over the rocks, so if anyone can tell me if this is normal for coraline growth and when does it actually start to turn purple? Thanks for any info!!


Well-Known Member
Coraline is many colors depending I think on what is in the water. I have purple, deep velvet red, pink, light green, dark green and glow in the dark orange, which turns red later.
As long as he algae is not slimy, stringy or full of bubbles or making a blanket that can be lifted have coraline, which is hard to even scrape off. Go ahead and try to scrape it off, this will seed the rest of the rocks with coraline.
do it in front of a power head.

atl reef

What is the blankety algae that is full of bubbles and forms a blanket on the sand bed? I've got that and am trying to figure a way to get rid of it. I thought maybe some of the microbubbles escaping from my skimmer was providing too much oxygen to the tank and propagating the growth?