Coraline on glass???

cap'n pete

You can't, and secondly why are you upset about this? Coraline on glass is a sign that you have good lighting and calcium levels. ;)


how long has your tank been setup just out of curiosity? If you really want it to stop never turn your lights on and never add Ca ;) LOL. I wish mine did that! You should feel good about your taks success.


OHHHH sorry i didnt relize this was a GOOD thing!!! Its a 10 gal. full of awesome live rock, been set up for only about 6 months.
uhh, panhead. my experience w/ scotchbrite is that it will scratch and remove chrome. maybe i was rubbing too hard? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />