

i have some green coraline growing on one of my LR. i have watched it grow, it doubled size in 2 weeks. i first took notice of it because it was a deep green. i like the color...
my questions are...
can i have it grow as the doniment coraline?
or could i keep it on some rocks that are seperated, while keeping the others purple?
if so, i also have some yellow coraline that is on one small LR. it appeared to fade to white. is it dead and do i need to remove it? or can i re-grow it?


Active Member
I have green and Purple coraline aldae, I believe the green coraline started because of my low calcium or alkalinity, now that it is 400ppm+ calcium and 3.0mel+ alk purple is growing instead. Check your water parameters.
Although light intensity and calcium levels may determine what shade of coraline you end up with (ie light purple/pink)there are several different species of coraline with different colors(ie yellow, brown, red, green)that won't turn purple under any intensity. Usually under brighter lights they just die out and the purple/pink flourishes.