coralline alage???


New Member
I am new too the saltwater world and wondering how too grow some coralline alage... like at the the stores! I am only 15 on a mcdonnalds buget lol soo I need cheaper ways please. email me back at thank you for your time
Well, Calcium,Calcium,Calcium!!! Coralline like lots of calcium I have my Calcium at between 380-400ppm(parts-per-million)
I reccomend that you use kent marine turbo calcium to get it to the hight level and then use kalkwasser to keep it there.(any brand is fine).
these aren't too expensive.
Also make sure that you have alot a current on the rock coralline like hight current.
Studies are showing that alkalinity seems to actually be more important than calcium for good growth.
But rest assured you need good high readings of both for success.
Also, I had a coralline explosion after I started adding Kent's Pro Buffer dkh, in addition to dripping Kalk every night and adding Turbo Calcium when needed.