coralline algae growth


I have just purchased some live rock that I have mixed in with my dead base rock. Will dead base rock take longer to grow coralline algae as compared to live base rock?


The rock is dead live rock (I think that makes sense!). It is natural rock that came from Hawaii when they expanded one of their harbors. I am curious if Coralline algae will take a while to populate this rock as opposed to rock that is already alive. I have already seeded the dead rock with live and I am adding SeaChem's Reef Complete. I have a 30W 50/50 over a 30gal long (only about 17 inches high).
Another question-Does bacteria eventually populate the dead rock? How can I promote the growth of bacteria on the rock?


Active Member
In that case it should happen pretty quikly, and as for bacteria actualy eventulaly everything that grows on your other LR including the bacteria will populate the base rock. I have some origonaly base rock that I could sell as LR now, it looks better than much of the LR you would buy out there now.


That's what I was hoping you would say!!
I am going to take a toothbrush to it tonight and scrub an area of the coralline to make the spores spread.
I just saw my first critter today! I just saw a glimpse. I will have to get a better one and get someone to identify it.


Active Member
yeah the base rock that you have will eventually turn green as it is colonized by algae and other bacateria, but if you give it enough time, it will eventually look like the live rock that you purchsed. as for the coralline, it will be slower growing onto the base stuff, but maintaing optimal calcium and alk levels will definately help it to spread!
good luck


Thanks jonthefb-
How exactly do I keep my alk levels optimal? Do I need an additive?
I had asked you in another thread about a test kit. I went to my LFS and they said there should be no need for me to buy a test kit, since I can bring it in there and they will test it for free. Should I buy a kit? I imagine I could take a water sample in there about once every two weeks or so. Since they discouraged me from spending more money, I would assume they are not trying to pull the wool over my eyes!! What do you think?


Active Member
well in answer to your first question, you can get two part additives that will maintain and raise Ca and Alk levels, one is called b-ionic. i personally use seachems, products to raise calcium and carbonate. they work great and have helped a lot.
as for your second q. i would still consider getting your own set of test kits. you might find out what kind your lfs is using. i worked for a lfs once, and they never washed teh test vials out after testing the water. its really up to you though. in my mind, its a good investment!
good luck



Originally posted by glinton
The rock is dead live rock (I think that makes sense!). It is natural rock that came from Hawaii when they expanded one of their harbors. I am curious if Coralline algae will take a while to populate this rock as opposed to rock that is already alive. I have already seeded the dead rock with live and I am adding SeaChem's Reef Complete. I have a 30W 50/50 over a 30gal long (only about 17 inches high).
Another question-Does bacteria eventually populate the dead rock? How can I promote the growth of bacteria on the rock?

How do you like that rock mine has just started to grow some green on it


Thanks jonthefb! I will consider getting one. For a good one, it is pretty expensive. I may have to do it anyway. Maybe some money will fall out of the sky...
The rock looks AWESOME! It hasnt started doing anything. I just put it in there Friday night. Thanks for the recommendation. I have seen a few critters on my LR, but nothing growing yet on the dry base.


Active Member
LFS's love to test our water for us - and some will tell us there's no need for us to get test kits.
What better way to keep us in the dark, rely on them for everything and get our wallets or purses back into the store where all the pretty fish live.
Strong suggestion
Get your own test kits - cut the techno cord between the lfs and yourself - freedom I say - FREEDOM !!!


broomer5 - I'll second that motion!!
It takes repeat customers and what better way to produce them but to have them relie on you!!